Voilà une de mes endroits favoris de San Francisco où je suis allée déjà plusieurs fois, parce que une des adresses est juste à 3 min de chez moi (Trois shop en tout, Polk street ici). C’est pas si chère, c’est bon et on a plus faim ensuite. Split propose des salades, déjà faites ou à composer soi-même. Il est donc facile de réaliser à l’envie une salade végétarienne ou même vegan car le choix végétal est grand. Mais Split propose aussi des sandwichs et des burgers avec de la viande bio et local ou alors une option végé adaptable à tout leur burgers et ça on aime!
This is one of my favorite places in San Francisco to eat. I have already been there several times and one of the locations is just 3min away from home (3 shops in town, this one is in Polk Street). It’s quite cheap, tastes good and very nourishing. There you eat salads, already made or to be composed by yourself. Therefore it is easy to eat a vegetarian salad or even a vegan salad since the the choice of vegetal products is large. But Split also offers sandwhiches and burgers with organic and local meat and even a vegan option for their burgers which is very nice.
Russian Hill
2300 Polk Street
at the corner of Green
Open Mon – Fri from 9am to 9pm
Sat – Sun from 8am – 9pm
Serving breakfast, brunch, lunch & dinner.
560 Mission Street
between 1st and 2nd Streets
Open Mon-Fri from 7am to 3pm
Serving breakfast & lunch.
Yerba Buena
145 4th Street
between Mission and Howard
Open Daily from 11am to 8pm
Serving lunch & dinner.

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